Monday, November 22, 2010


Below is a news from the daily New Age on September 26, 2010.

Diplomatic Correspondent

The United States wants that Bangladesh should deploy combat troops in Afghanistan to establish security and stability, according to a foreign ministry news release.

The US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard C. Holbrooke, placed the request when he called on foreign minister Dipu Moni at her hotel suite in New York on Thursday.

He sought for any kind of help like deploying combat troops・ providing economic and development assistance, and training for the law enforcement agencies to establish security and stability in Afghanistan, the news release said.

Dipu Moni assured him that Bangladesh would do whatever it can to help restore peace in South Asia, specially in Afghanistan.

Bangladesh has already offered to send teachers and doctors to Afghanistan, she said. The foreign minister also held a separate bilateral meeting with British undersecretary for foreign and commonwealth affairs Alistair Burt on Thursday.

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