Monday, November 22, 2010

Bangladesh top contributor of women peacekeepers; unique example of women empowerment: UN panel

Bangladesh is currently the top contributor country of women peacekeepers and the second largest contributor of women police in UN peacekeeping missions.

UN Under Secretary General Alen Le Roy and Military Advisor Abiakor highly praised the performance of the Bangladesh Women Police Formed Unit in Haiti during a discussion on “Integrating a Gender Perspective into the work of the United Nations military in peacekeeping operations” at the UN headquarters in New York on Tuesday.

Bangladesh Permanent Representative to UN Dr Abdul Momen, Norwegian Permanent Representative Morten Wetland, Ms. Marcela Donadio and Faida Mwangilwa took part in the panel discussion organized by 'Department of Peacekeeping Operations' and 'Department of Field Support’.

Norwegian Permanent Representative Morten Wetland said Bangladesh is a unique example of women empowerment before other nations of the world.Dr Momen said the women in Bangladesh are giving the leadership of top political posts. Apart from the Prime Minister, women remain in charge of the Ministries of Agriculture, Home Affairs, Foreign
Affairs, Women and Children Affairs, and Labour and Employment.

Besides, he said the Leader of the Opposition in Bangladesh is also a woman.

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