Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bangladesh Navy purchases two modern RUAG Aviation Do 228NG turboprop aircraft
July 21, 2011
Following customers in Japan, Norway and Germany, the Bangladesh Navy has purchased two modern Do 228NG (New Generation) turboprop aircraft. The aircraft will be used for maritime air patrol and rescue mission along the countries’ coastline.
The two Do 228NGs are the first fixed wing aircraft to be purchased by the Bangladesh Navy for patrolling its coast line. For this purpose, both aircraft are being equipped with special equipment for maritime air patrol operations. This includes radio and navigation aid and other selected systems as well as rescue equipment.
Cost-effectiveness and ease of use seal the decision in Do 228NG’s favour
With the Do 228NG, RUAG Aviation has asserted itself against the competition. "The cost-effectiveness and, despite its sophisticated technology, ease of use sealed the decision in favour of the Do 228NG," enthuses Alexander Müller, Vice President Military Aviation Germany. In addition to the two aircraft, the contract includes comprehensive pilot and aircraft maintenance training for the Navy ground crew on location. Delivery of both aircraft is scheduled for early summer 2013.
The Do 228NG is a versatile turboprop aircraft. Alongside transporting up to 19 passengers, it can also be configured as a special mission version for various purposes including maritime air patrol. Thanks to the latest sensor technology, the aircraft is ideally suited to detecting oil slicks, controlling borders and fishing, and carrying out environmental research. The Do 228NG is a completely modernized and improved version of the Dornier 228-212, RUAG Aviation carries out final assembly, integration of customer-specific equipment and delivers the aircraft from its Oberpfaffenhofen facilities near Munich (Germany)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Arms Trade with Bangladesh

R: Bangladesh    4    MiG-15UTI/Midget    Trainer aircraft    (1974)    1975    4    Probably ex-Chinese
             (24)    F-6/Farmer    Fighter aircraft    (1975)    1976-1978    (24)    Ex-Chinese; incl some FT-6 trainer version; no. delivered could be up to 36
             (38)    BT-6/CJ-6    Trainer aircraft    (1977)    1977-1985    (38)    No. could be 46; BT-6A version
             (12)    F-6/Farmer    Fighter aircraft    (1980)    1983    (12)    Probably ex-Chinese; status uncertain
             8    Type-062/Shanghai    Patrol craft    (1980)    1980-1982    8    Shanghai-2 version; Bangaleshi designation Shaheed
             (50)    Type-53 120mm    Mortar    (1980)    1981    (50)    Supplier uncertain
             36    WZ-120/Type-59    Tank    (1980)    1980-1981    (36)    Aid
             2    Type-037/Hainan    Patrol craft    (1981)    1982-1985    2    Bangaleshi designation Durjoy
             (16)    HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2    Anti-ship missile    (1982)    1983    (16)    For Hegu (Durbar) FAC; SY-1A (CSS-N-2) version
             4    Project-123/P-4    FAC    (1982)    1983    4    Probably ex-Chinese
             4    Type-024/Hegu    FAC    (1982)    1983    4    Bangladeshi designation Durbar; option on more not used
             1    Hujiu    Tug    (1983)    1984    1    Bangladeshi designation Khadema
             (20)    M-30 122mm    Towed gun    (1983)    1984    (20)    Type-54-1 version
             (36)    Type-62    Light tank    (1984)    1985    (36)   
             (192)    Red Arrow-73    Anti-tank missile    (1985)    1985    (192)   
             (40)    HY-1/SY-1/CSS-N-1    Anti-ship missile    (1987)    1988-1989    (40)    For Jianghu-1 (Osman) frigate and Huangfen (Durdharsha) FAC
             4    Type-021/Huangfen    FAC    (1987)    1988    4    Bangladeshi designation Durdharsha
             4    Type-025/Huchuan    FAC    (1987)    1988    4   
             1    Type-53/Jianghu    Frigate    (1988)    1989    1    Bangladeshi designation Osman; Jianghu-1 Version-4 version; plan for 1 more cancelled
             (12)    A-5C Fantan    FGA aircraft    (1989)    1989-1990    (12)    No. could be 20
             20    F-7M Airguard    Fighter aircraft    (1989)    1989-1990    20    F-7MB version; incl 4 FT-7B
             (250)    PL-2    SRAAM    (1989)    1989-1990    (250)    For A-5C and F-7M combat aircraft
             (50)    YW-531/Type-63    APC    (1989)    1989-1990    (50)    Status uncertain
             (50)    HN-5A    Portable SAM    (1990)    1991-1992    (50)   
             42    M-30 122mm    Towed gun    (1991)    1992    42    Designation uncertain; possibly Type-54-1 version
             (50)    WZ-121/Type-69    Tank    (1991)    1991    (50)    Type-69-I and Type-69-II version
             (8)    HY-1/SY-1/CSS-N-1    Anti-ship missile    (1992)    1992    (8)    For Huangfen (Durdharsha) FAC
             (4)    HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2    Anti-ship missile    (1992)    1992    (4)    For Hegu (Durbar) FAC; SY-1A (CSS-N-2) version
             1    Type-021/Huangfen    FAC    1992    1992    1    Bangladeshi designation Durdharsha
             1    Type-024/Hegu    FAC    (1992)    1992    1    Bangladeshi designation Burbar
             1    T-43/Type-010    Minesweeper    1993    1994    1    Bangladeshi designation Sagar
             (5)    W-653/Type-653    ARV    (1993)    1993    (5)   
             1    Type-062-1/Haizhui    Patrol craft    (1995)    1995    1    Shanghai-3 version; Bangladeshi designation Barkat
             (18)    Type-59-1 130mm    Towed gun    (1995)    1996    18    Designation uncertain; possibly ex-Chinese
             4    F-7M Airguard    Fighter aircraft    (1996)    1999-2000    4    FT-7BG version
             (21)    HN-5A    Portable SAM    (2000)    2001    21    HN-5JA1 version
             (114)    Red Arrow-8    Anti-tank missile    (2000)    2001    114   
             20    Type-83 122mm    Towed gun    (2003)    2004    20   
             1    Crotale    SAM system    (2004)    2007    (1)    FM-90 version; for DW-2000 frigate
             (250)    QW-2    Portable SAM    2004    2007    (250)   
             (10)    C-802/CSS-N-8    Anti-ship missile    (2005)    2008    (10)    For 1 Jianghu (Type-053 or Type-510) frigate
             (54)    D-30 122mm    Towed gun    (2005)    2006-2007    (54)    Type-96 version
             (100)    PL-7    SRAAM    (2005)    2005-2007    (100)    For F-7MG combat aircraft
             (14)    PL-9    SRAAM    (2005)    2006-2008    14    For F-7MG combat aircraft
             (20)    R-440 Crotale    SAM    (2005)    2007    (20)    FM-90 version; for DW-2000 (Bangabandhu) frigate
             16    F-7MG    Fighter aircraft    (2006)    2006    16    $44-118 m deal; F-7BG version
             (300)    Type-59G    Tank    (2009)    2010    (5)    Bangladeshi Type-59 and Type-69 tanks rebuilt to Type-59G; assembled in Bangladesh
             (100)    Type-96G    Tank    (2010)            Contract possibly not yet signed
Czech Republic
R: Bangladesh    8    L-39Z Albatros    Trainer/combat ac    (1995)    1995    8    Deal incl barter trade (jute); L-39ZA version
R: Bangladesh    (15)    T-55    Tank    (1973)    1975    (15)    Ex-Egyptian; aid
             (15)    T-54    Tank    (1975)    1975    (15)    Ex-Egyptian; aid
             (60)    Fahd    APC    (1993)    1993    (60)    Fahd-280 version
R: Bangladesh    6    CM-170 Magister    Trainer aircraft    1977    1977    6    Ex-FRG aircraft sold back to French producer, rebuilt to CM-170-2 version and sold to Bangladesh
             4    CM-170 Magister    Trainer aircraft    (1980)    1980    4    Ex-French; aid
             5    CM-170 Magister    Trainer aircraft    (1985)    1985    5    Ex-Togolese aircraft sold back to French producer and sold to Bangladesh
             (4)    CM-170 Magister    Trainer aircraft    (1986)    1986    (4)    Incl 2 ex-Austrian and 2 ex-Brazilian aircraft sold back to French producer, modernized and sold to Bangladesh
             2    PA-6    Diesel engine    1995    1997    2    For 1 Sea Dragon (Madhumati) OPV from South Korea
             4    PA-6    Diesel engine    (1998)    2001    4    For 1 DW-200H (Bangabandhu) frigate from South Korea
Germany (FRG)
R: Bangladesh    1    ASO-90    Sonar    (1998)    2001    1    For 1 DW-2000H Type (Bangabandhu Class) frigate from South Korea
R: Bangladesh    4    DHC-3 Otter    Light transport ac    (1971)    1971    4    Ex-Indian; aid
             (30)    Model-56 105mm    Towed gun    1971    1971    (30)    Ex-Indian
             1    DHC-4 Caribou    Transport aircraft    1972    1972    1    Ex-Indian; aid
             (3)    SA-316B Alouette-3    Light helicopter    (1972)    1973    (3)    Ex-Indian; no. could be 4
             2    Abhay    Patrol craft    (1973)    1973-1974    2    Ex-Indian; Bangladeshi designation Padma
R: Bangladesh    (85)    Model-56 105mm    Towed gun    (1975)    1975-1977    (85)   
             (10)    Otomat-2    Anti-ship missile    (1998)    2002    (10)    For DW-2000H (Bangabandhu) frigate
             16    Grifo    Aircraft radar    2006    2006    16    Grifo-MG version; for 16 F-7MG combat aircraft from China; possibly from Pakistani production line
             2    A-109K    Light helicopter    2010            Delivery 2011
R: Bangladesh    1    Khan Jahan Ali    Tanker    (1982)    1983    1   
R: Bangladesh    1    Bangla    Patrol craft    1998    1999    1    For coast guard
R: Bangladesh    1    DA-08    Air search radar    (1998)    2001    1    For 1 DW-2000H (Bangabandhu) frigate from South Korea
             1    MIRADOR    Air search radar    (1998)    2001    1    For 1 DW-2000H Type (Bangabandhu Class) frigate from South Korea
             1    Variant    Air/sea search radar    (1998)    2001    1    For 1 DW-2000H Type (Bangabandhu Class) frigate from South Korea
             1    LIROD    Fire control radar    (1999)    2001    1    For 1 DW-2000H (Bangabandhu) frigate from South Korea; LIROD-2 version
R: Bangladesh    (10)    M-24 Chaffee    Light tank    1971    1971    (10)    Ex-Pakistani
             (40)    F-6/Farmer    Fighter aircraft    1989    1990    (40)    Ex-Pakistani; incl some FT-6
             (230)    Red Arrow-8    Anti-tank missile    (2001)    2001-2004    (230)    Baktar Shikan (Green Arrow) version
             19    T-37B    Trainer aircraft    2003    2004-2005    (19)    Ex-Pakistani; T-37C version
R: Bangladesh    9    RN-94    APC    (2004)    2005    9    Ambulance version
R: Bangladesh    4    Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H    Helicopter    (1992)    1993    (4)    Mi-17 version
             (14)    BTR-80    APC    (1994)    1994    (14)   
             8    Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H    Helicopter    (1995)    1995    8    Mi-17 version
             3    Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H    Helicopter    (1998)    1999    3    $4 m deal (not incl value of trade-in of 7 ex-Bangladeshi Mi-8 helicopters)
             8    MiG-29S/Fulcrum-C    FGA aircraft    1999    1999-2000    8    $115-124 m deal; incl 2 MiG-29UB version
             (96)    R-73/AA-11 Archer    SRAAM    1999    1999-2000    (96)    For MiG-29S combat aircraft
             2    1L-117    Air search radar    2000    2001    (2)    $15 m deal
             78    BTR-80    APC    2001    2001-2002    78    $16 m deal (financed by UN); for use by Bangladeshi UN peacekeeping forces
             3    Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H    Helicopter    2004    2007    3    BDT78 m ($1.3 m) deal; Mi-171 armed version
             60    BTR-80    APC    (2005)    2006    60    For use by Bangladeshi UN peacekeeping forces; financed via UN
R: Bangladesh    2    PB-46    Patrol craft    1983    1984    2    Bangladeshi designation Meghna; for EEZ patrol under Ministry of Agriculture
South Korea
R: Bangladesh    1    Sea Dragon    OPV    1995    1997    1    Bangladeshi designation Madhumati
             1    DW-2000H    Frigate    1998    2001    1    $100 m deal; Bangladeshi designation Bangabandhu
             2    Sea Dolphin    Patrol craft    2000    2000    2    Ex-South Korean; aid
R: Bangladesh    (22)    Cobra    APV/APC    2006    2007-2008    (22)   
R: Bangladesh    2    Wessex    Helicopter    1973    1973    2    Ex-UK; aid; Wessex HU-5 version
             1    Salisbury/Type-61    Frigate    1976    1976    1    Ex-UK; Bangladsehi designation Umar Farooq Class; aid
             1    Leopard/Type-41    Frigate    1978    1978    1    Ex-UK; Bangladeshi designation Ali Haider Class
             1    Leopard/Type-41    Frigate    (1981)    1982    1    Ex-UK; modernized before delivery; Bangladeshi designation Ali Haider
             1    Island    OPV    1993    1994    1    Ex-UK; Bangladeshi designation Shaheed Ruhul Amin; for use as training ship
             4    River    Minesweeper    1994    1994    4    Ex-UK; Bangladeshi designation Shapla
             5    Island    OPV    2002    2002-2004    5    Ex-UK; Bangladeshi designation Kapatakhaya
             2    Castle    OPV    2010    2010    2    Ex-UK; $4 m deal; Bangladeshi designation Bijoy.
             1    Roebuck    Survey ship    (2010)    2010    1    Ex-UK; GBP5 m deal
R: Bangladesh    8    AI-25/DV-2    Turbofan    1995    1995    8    For 8 L-39ZA trainer/combat aircraft from Czech Republic; Titan (AI-25TL) version assembled/produced in Czech Republic
             1    An-32/Cline    Transport aircraft    (1995)    1995    1   
             125    6TD    Diesel engine    2010            For Type-96G tanks from China
Unknown country
R: Bangladesh    2    Cessna-337/O-2    Light aircraft    (1985)    1985    (2)    Probably second-hand
R: Bangladesh    6    Bell-212/UH-1N    Helicopter    1976    1977    6   
             (4)    Bell-212/UH-1N    Helicopter    (1980)    1981    (4)   
             2    Bell-206L LongRanger    Light helicopter    (1981)    1981    2    Incl for training
             (50)    M-101A1 105mm    Towed gun    (1981)    1982    (50)    Ex-US; status uncertain
             3    Bell-212/UH-1N    Helicopter    (1987)    1988    3   
             (4)    AN/TPS-43    Air search radar    (1990)    1991-1992    (4)    Status uncertain
             2    LCU-1466    Landing craft    1991    1992    2    Ex-US; modernized before delivery; Bangladeshi designation Shah Paran
             12    T-37B    Trainer aircraft    1995    1995    12    Ex-US; aid
             1    Bell-206L LongRanger    Light helicopter    (1997)    1997    1    For training; supplier uncertain; probably from Canadian production line
             4    C-130B Hercules    Transport aircraft    1999    2000    (4)    Ex-US; $15 m deal; modernized before delivery
R: Bangladesh    1    An-24/Coke    Transport aircraft    (1972)    1973    1   
             14    MiG-21MF/Fishbed-J    Fighter aircraft    (1972)    1973    14    Ex-Soviet Air Force; incl 2 MiG-21U trainer version
             (72)    R-13S/AA-2 Atoll    SRAAM    (1972)    1973    (72)    For MiG-21F combat aircraft
             (7)    Mi-8T/Hip-C    Helicopter    (1973)    1974    (7)   
             3    An-26/Curl    Transport aircraft    (1981)    1981    3   
             2    An-32/Cline    Transport aircraft    (1989)    1990    (1)   
R: Bangladesh    2    Kraljevica/PBR-509    Patrol craft    (1974)    1975    2    Ex-Yugoslav; Bangladeshi designation Karnaphuli

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bangladesh Army to get 44 MBT-2000 tanks

For the first time in the history of Bangladesh, the government is set to buy 44 brand new modern MBT-2000 tanks and 3 armoured recovery vehicles (ARV) for the army, as a part of its planned modernisation.

The government will also buy two additional helicopters for the army to ensure necessary logistical support for the UN peacekeeping activities.

The tanks and ARVs will be bought from China, and the helicopters from France through government-to-government deals, which were recently signed. According to the deals, the cost of the tanks will be around Tk 1,201 crore, and the helicopters Tk 174 crore. Besides, a process is on to buy 18 brand new cannons.

"The tanks will be bought through a government to government deal ensuring maximum transparency," Master General of Ordnance (MGO) of Bangladesh Army Maj Gen Abdul Matin told The Daily Star yesterday.

"The purchase is being done as a part of modernisation of the Bangladesh Army," he said adding that the tanks will be delivered in phases over a span of 27 months. In the first phase 24 tanks will come within 20 months, and the rest will come in the second phase over the next 7 months.

The payment for the purchase will be made in phases over the next eight years, said the major general adding that the Chinese government will provide training to technicians of Bangladesh Army in China and in Bangladesh for a good period of time so that the tanks and ARVs could be maintained properly. The training will be free of charge, he said.

Maj Gen (retd) Amin Ahmed Chowdhury told The Daily Star that through this purchase, the military of the country will definitely get a boost.

The government in 2003 took initiatives to buy tanks for the army, but that initiative did not see the light of day due to budgetary limitations.

The government was supposed to buy seven tanks last year and seven more this year. As only a Chinese company took part in the tender, the government cancelled it, and re-invited tender in which four companies from China, Russia, Ukraine, and Pakistan participated. Chinese company Norinco was selected as the lowest bidder.

Later the army requested the government to buy 44 tanks instead of 14.


Crew: 3
Weight: 48t
Engine: Ukraine built 6TD 1,200hp liquid cooled diesel
Transmission: Mechanical, planetary
Track: Metallic with RMSh, with rubber-tyred road wheels
Suspension: Torsion bar
Radio: Receive/transmit, telephone
Dimension: Length: 10.07m; Height: 2.40m; Width: 3.50m
Ground Pressure: 26hp/t
Cruising Range: 450km
Speed: Max road 65km/h; max off-road 45km/h
Fording Depths: 5m with snorkel
Main Gun: Indigenous 125mm smoothbore, 39 rounds
Rate of Fire: 8 rounds/min (autoloader), 1~2 r/min (manual load)
Auxiliary Weapon: One coaxial 7.62mm machine gun; one 12.7mm air-defence machine gun
Fire Control: Laser rangefinder input, onboard computer, wind sensor, and control panel